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Teacher Training/ Continuing Education



At Wildwood we use our creative and inspiring environment to explore the concepts of yoga and support the unfolding of your own inner teacher. We use the classroom setting, outdoor experiences, and one on one techniques to allows you to dive deeper. We are committed to personal and professional growth, and to sharing the transformative practice of yoga.


What will you learn in our 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training

* History of yoga
* Meditation and how to guide others through it
*Brain waves, nervous system and how to influence them
*The 8 limbs & some sutras the philosophy behind yoga
*Yoga mantras (ma=mind and tra=training)
*Re Train our minds to focus on the positive and be solution oriented : Personal development work
*How to release trauma and gain confidence
* Hatha 26 posture series
* Vinyasa SSA SSB and how to teach them
* One on one NLP, Deep meditation regression, Reiki sessions with Chelsea designed for your personal growth, healing, and coaching
*How to create a class with purpose
*How to cater to the students in front of you
*Which postures tighten or relax the whole body
* Practices to amplify, ground, and protect your energy
* Anatomy and applying it to postures
* Business of yoga
* Adjustments & Alignment
*Relaxation techniques 
* Finding your voice as a teacher
*Pranayama (Breathing techniques to influence your mental state)
and so much more...

What sets us apart?
* Free yoga at Wildwood through out the training.
* The month after you graduate you get to teach at Wildwood to get in studio experience.
* Personal 1 on 1 and group learning 
* We begin teaching right away to help you cultivate your teachers voice.
*If you don't feel confident by graduation you get 1 on 1 trainings with Chelsea until you feel confident.
* Small group experience we don't allow more then 12 in
* and so much more....


So email us today and lets talk about your next step.

What you will learn in the 300 hr Yoga training 


Kundalini history 

196 sutras 

Endocrine system + Brain anatomy + Nervous system + Joints + connective tissues

Subtle anatomy - Doshas  - meridians - reiki + symbols 

What is a kriya how to weave them into class

Cueing mindfulness - trauma -emotional -spirit - physical bodies 

12 Breathing techniques including techniques for anxiety & depression science behind them 

Mudras & mantras & yoga Nidra and the science behind it 

Intuition building 

Advanced postures & advanced vinyasa and how to weave it into a class 

Assisting at a deeper level 

Special conditions with awareness of adjustments and things to do with the student 

Yoga and pregnancy 

Business of yoga and business etiquette

Trauma informed yoga teaching 

Mindfulness teaching 

Somatic therapy techniques and how to bring them into your class 

How the body keeps score 

Keys to exceptional living 

Personal growth and mindset coaching 

Chelsea began training instructors in Sculpt, Hatha, and Vinyasa  in 2015. She started teaching yoga in 2010. She has practiced for over 14 years and holds thousands of hours of experience. She holds over 1,000 hours of certification and trainings through Yoga Alliance.
She has designed a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training  program, and  had it accepted by Yoga Alliance in 2017. And a 300 Hour training program.
She understands everyone learns differently and implements one on one attention. So you gain maximum absorption of all information.
She doesn't stop at 200 hours, she stops when you feel confident in assisting others and leading a well rounded class.
She has studied the body, mind, and spirit deeply and loves sharing this information. She honors where yoga has come from and is thrilled about where it is going. Feel free to reach out and talk with her.



 Semi Private only 3 spots left.
200 Hr Hatha, Flow, & vinyasa certification
Starts Feb.7th Graduates May 2025
Fridays 10:30-2
$500 saves your spot.

300 hr Certification
Yoga Nidra, Kundalini fusion, Flow, & Vinyasa 
Starts Feb. 4th 2025
Graduate July 29th 2025
Schedule: Every Tuesday 3-6 pm &
the last Saturday of the month 11-3 pm​
$500 non refundable deposit
to save your spot, this goes towards your tuition. 
Early Bird Price: $3,000 (If you register by Dec. 1st)
Price: $3,750

Private Training
Price $3600 (booking for September 2025)
Email me to go over days and times that work with your schedule.


Wildwood is a Yoga Alliance Accredited School
We proudly offer:
* A 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training Certification in Hatha, Vinyasa,  & Flow
*A 300 hr Certification in Yoga Nidra, Kundalini, flow, & Vinyasa
rivate Coaching/ Mentoring 



What I wanted to gain from this training was.....


"I gained confidence, found peace in who I am, and learned to calm my nervous system."



"I loved the personal growth. I learned how to be a confident yoga teacher and lead a class."



" I loved that we were given the space to ask questions. The snacks and environment. I deepened my knowledge of yoga. Learned about alignment, history, and the why."  -Abbey


" I gained self confidence, strength, mobility, and peace knowing I can start can heal and lead myself and others. Creating my flow brought me so much joy." -Zahkyia


" I wanted to dig deeper into myself. I enjoyed the personal working I improved by classes."- Bella


"Courage and confidence, as well as public speaking skills. I opened my voice. It pushed me out of my shell I didn't know I had. I loved the supportive group and teacher." - Danielle 


" The meditations used through out felt intuitive and powerful. I learned so much about myself that I didn't anticipate." -Jenny


" I went in wanting to learn about myself and yoga on a deeper level. I gained that and so much more.." - Erin 


" The experience will forever be in my heart. Chelsea's stability and love for what she is doing makes it such a great experience." - Rachel 


" Being in a group setting and the flexible schedule allowed its own flow. Knowledge of yoga and a connection to myself were my favorite take aways." - Stanell


" I can say I love myself more through this journey. Yoga provides mental power to be prepared for life. " -Rick 


" I felt zero judgement, it was a safe space, and there was so much rich information. I've gained confidence, knowledge, friends, and a leveled up way of thinking. I am so grateful for this and happy I said YES to me. Thank you Chelsea and Class! I've learned things about myself  that I wasn't expecting. Thank you for pushing us forward with love, and grace, and light." _ Magen

"This training came in perfect timing.  As it always does.  I not only was eager to grow and learn more about Kundalini and the body but I was also in a big transition in my life and I knew I needed community to walk through this season with.  This training brought me all of that.  It brought me more knowledge of the brain, the body, deepened my practice and allowed the space and time to process and reflect my beliefs, and current struggles alongside such inspiring, badass woman younger and older than me, all in different walks of life.  I came into the training carrying this weight on my shoulders filled with so much stress, anxiety and fear and then I walked away lighter, absorbed deeper knowledge of the practice and of who I am, and built lifelong community.  My heart and soul is filled with so much gratitude.  Grateful for Chelsea’s sisterhood, personality, her fire to grow alongside her students, her "lets dig deeper” perspective on all things, when she isn’t afraid to speak up and shoot, the list goes on." -Tiana 300 hr Grad

What I loved about the training was....


Every effin’ moment of it, that’s what! More specifically: (1) the small group allowed us to really get to know each other closely & develop working relationships quickly; (2) the setting was a perfect distance to travel to get into the right frame of mind for study, but not so far that the amount of travel was a significant burden; and (3) our instructor has a wealth of knowledge and experience that allowed her to tailor the presentation of material in a manner best suited to our specific little group. This is a key, but incomplete, list of things to be loved about the experience.




What I wanted to gain from taking this training was..... 


I had 3 goals related to this training: (1) to deepen my knowledge of elements of yoga beyond asana so that I can improve my personal practices; (2) to develop a pathway to substitute teach if necessary at my home studio, Union Yoga Co in Everett, WA; and (3) to better understand my many teachers’ points of view so that I can make the most of their lessons.




Do I feel I have gained that? 


100% yes!

- Glen 200 hr graduate 


"I wanted to gain more insight into what yoga was and how it could lead to a better, improved life. I have heard so much of yoga transforming people's lives and I never understood how that could be. I wanted to learn more about the principles and how to incorporate them into my own life, and see what kind of transformation I would experience. "

Do you feel you have gained that?

"Absolutely. I can now say that yoga has brought a positive change into my life. I feel much more mindful, clear-headed, and all-around more gentle and loving towards myself and others. I've learned that yoga is so much more than just the poses, not just tending to the body, but to the mind and the spirit as well. And now I can relay this experience to others."



What I loved about this training was...

"The community aspect of learning and growing together. The love and caring the whole group had for one another. Chelsea's grace and understanding for me, while still nudging me forward."


"I love all the support and the many opportunities to grow upon our skills. I learned many things about myself and gained skills that have helped me every single day."


"I feel ready to teach and help others do yoga and heal!"

"I loved the support and encouragement. The opportunity to teach real classes was priceless."


"I loved learning how to connect the posture to whats happening within the body. I gained a better connection with my body, and learned to find my center when I am frustrated."


"You are amazing, a true teacher of the heart Chelsea. This was life changing for me. I loved the personal growth in ourselves and the group as a whole. I am ready to teach and want to do another training with you."


" A very well organized and presented training. Excellent pace. This has been an incredible experience in so many ways. I have loved all of it."


"I am grateful for what this training has provided. I loved being vulnerable, learning breathing techniques, postures, anatomy, and making new friends."


" I loved getting  to know everyone, learning about the history of yoga, anytime we did a group growth activity. I learned so much about myself and who I am outside of being a wife and a mother."


" I learned a lot about yoga, the history, anatomy, styles, postures, my body, and how it responded to the physical aspect of movement.  Most importantly calming my mind, my thoughts, and all the practice. Chelsea is a true leader, loved that she took the extra time to ensure we learned and went above and beyond."

"What I loved about this training was how you presented this class from a spiritual, anatomical, and physical perspective touching on everything I had hoped."

" I learned so much and did so much personal growth and development. I am a stronger healthier me after this training."

" The personal attention from Chelsea to help me grow as a person and teacher. Plus my community of fellow trainees has been wonderful. I wanted to gain confidence from this training and I feel so empowered with the knowledge and hands on experience you've provided."

- Jenny

" I loved the personal sessions, going through all the poses in great detail, meditations, and personal growth. I wanted to gain inner peace, and tools to be successful in whatever I choose to do. Yes I feel I have gained this. "

" I loved the community that was created. The support given by Chelsea and the other classmates. The training is well rounded and extends way beyond the basics of yoga."

"The heart work was amazing! I really feel like it's opened up a whole new door in life for me. I love how quickly we started teaching and the insight on leading other and teaching for the class not myself. This has been life changing in really really good ways. I appreciate the open dialogue in class and loved that we all contributed uniquely while also being guided by you. It was so much fun."


What I loved about this training was....

" How personal it was. It opened my heart and soul to a better way of living."


"The self work. I loved the journaling and promts. Your training helped me shed the pats of me that I had been holding onto. The parts of me that were holding me back. I feel more myself than I ever have in my life."

"This was the most transformative personal work I have ever done. When you guaranteed I would be ready to teach I thought I would be your student for years. Maybe the pupal to make you amend your promise. Instead I am graduating with confidence plus so much more than I expected. Thank you." -Jeffery

"I loved Chelsea's amazing energy and compassion. The groups loving and dynamic. How safe I felt as well as welcomed in spite of my lack of experience and yoga knowledge."

" What I wanted to gain from this training was confidence, and the answer to do I want to teach. I feel like I have gained this and Yes I do want to teach."

"This was life changing and because I am changed, this will create generational change throughout my family. I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn, so much."

"I gained knowledge about yoga/history/meditations and confidence in myself through trusting what I know."  

"I loved my trainer, and learning about all the people in the class. All so interesting and inspiring in their own way. You really saw and wanted to see the best in all of us and truly wanted us all the feel at ease, comfortable, and capable to be who we are. Because it is good enough."

"I loved all of the self work and that we were all where we were and not forced to be where we weren't. Training was amazing I am sad it's over."

" I wanted to gain confidence in myself and learn how to write classes, and guide meditations. I feel like I learned all that and more."

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